Web Developer Position

re:Bloom’s a non-profit web agency, whose mission is to make web services accessible, affordable, and sustainable - especially for women and minority-owned small businesses. We focus on representation, engagement, culture, and education, we’re committed to being a workplace where everyone can grow. Take a look below on what opportunities could engage you!


Submit your application Web Developer now.

re:bloom recognizes the benefit for businesses to creating additional and creative ways to reach their customers. It is more important than ever for small businesses to pivot their business model to include online sales and we'll be there to help make technology should be low-cost and accessible. At re:Bloom, you will be paired onto a project team of two, reporting to a project manager and a business client.

Over the next 10 weeks, you will work together to solve a business problem using technology. While coding experience is appreciated and makes it easy to create custom code injections, it's not necessary! We work to meet our client's business needs which means we work a lot with platform builders and no-code solutions (Wix, Squarespace, etc.).We appreciate volunteers who are willing to learn and pick up new technologies. Our volunteers on average spend 10 hours a week on their projects.

As Web Developer

Each week, our volunteers attend a 1-hour meeting with their client, a 30-minute meeting with their team, and a 1-hour workshop on relevant web development topics. The rest of the time will be spent on individual project tasks.

Earn skills

Interact with real clients on a weekly basis- Lead a team of 2 volunteers

Professional Working experience

Present your work to professionals at companies such as Facebook and McKinsey

Develop Skills

Develop marketable skills such as web development and design

Global colors

Change the global color swatches and see your colors change everywhere.

About this role

This is an unpaid volunteer position.
Application closes Friday, January 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT

Take Home Assessment Due


Onboarding I&II (if accepted)

January 30 & February 1

First Week

February 4

Feedback Roundtable

March 3

Demo day

April 7