About us

Learn the story behind re:Bloom.

Our name embodies renewal and response. "re:" signifies both a return to flourishing for businesses venturing online and our inception as a response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. At re:Bloom, we're dedicated to revitalizing your business in the digital domain.

Founding Story

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My mom is the owner of a childcare center that lost over 50% of its students during mandatory statewide shutdowns related to COVID-19. Being a smart woman, my mom knew that once they reopened, she had to market her center. She hung up flyers in local pizza parlors and put up lawn signs on main roads. However, the world as we knew it had changed. Families were getting delivery more than ever and many more families were working from home, rendering her methods ineffective.That’s when she turned to me for help. While the childcare center had web presence, their site was last updated in 2009.  Because the website requires programming knowledge, it was incredibly difficult for my mom to update it on her own. It cost thousands of dollars to find a web agency to re-design the website. She understood the importance of a digital presence, especially since the pandemic fast-tracked the need for one. She didn’t know where to begin, but she knew she did not want to be the same position a few years later: stuck with an outdated website.

Our Impact

It is estimated that around 40% of small businesses in the US don’t have a digital presence. In Pennsylvania alone, that means almost 400,000 small businesses need websites. re:Bloom is here to help.

4320 Volunteer

83% Website
Retention Rate

89% Business Tech

Our Team


Abbey Mui
Executive Director & Founder
Alexa Stolyarov
Director of Volunteer Experience
Chelsea Cavlovic
Director of Community Outreach
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Board of Directors

Abbey Mui
Peg Fiedler
Chair of Development, Fundraising, and PR Committee
Linda Simon
Treasurer / Chair of Finance Committee
Jeff Xu
Board Member
Anjali Akula
Board Member
Diana Lowe
Board Member
Dennis Guy
Board Member

We're hiring!

We focus on representation, engagement, culture, and education, we’re committed to being a workplace where everyone can grow. Take a look below on what opportunities could engage you!

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